Friday, April 18, 2014

Burg Satzvey : Satisfaction Guaranteed!

I don't visit just Schlösser, but Burgen as well.  With that...I give you..Burg Satzvey.
March 2014 : Burg Satzvey
What's the difference you ask?  Well a Schloss is more of a residence - a family home where as a Burg is more of a fortress/defensive structure.  You can usually see the difference - compare Schloss Dyck with say.. Burg Satzvy.  But pretty mean the same....pretty badass looking.
Schloss Dyck
Burg Satzvey

Burg Satzvey is located with NRW ( Nordrhein-Westfalen ) close to the Eifel region. 
An der Burg 3, 53894 Mechernich, Germany

This is another MUST see.  Check with the website when you want to make a visit.  This Burg seems to hold tons of festivals throughout the year - ranging from Easter/Halloween/Christmas.  They also seem to have a mid evil  festival as well! 

The Burgführungen takes you around the Wasserburg, and then inside.  This is a historical tour - in German, but you can also request English in advance.  But be adventurous, and if you have some German...try it!  

Plus there are people that still live there today!

Here are some of my pics from that day....

 Overall I rate this Wasserburg a 9.2/10!   This Burg will not disappoint!
Makes for a nice Sunday afternoon!

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